The corporate press is the enemy of the people, a cut n paste interpretive dance demonstration.
Enjoy 🙄
Enjoy 🙄

"When the daily news product makes people want to tune out and disengage, it doesn’t bode well for the news business — or for democracy" 🙄
again with the for muh democracy
again with the for muh democracy
" removing excuses and setting a bar for what citizens should expect from institutions or governments"
We are going to tell you what you should demand Corporations and Government to do for you
We are going to tell you what you should demand Corporations and Government to do for you
They are going to focus on things THEY deem problematic and TELL YOU, stupid rural person, to be upset and demand that the GOVERNMENT FIX IT NAO!!! Blah blah blah "cornerstone of our democracy"
"The Lenfest Institute for Journalism has a passionate and diverse Executive Leadership team and Board of Managers committed to developing and advancing sustainable journalism."
Sustainable huh? but will it be organic?
Sustainable huh? but will it be organic?
"Our board knows that a foundation can play an important role as a partner and an active participant in public policy reform. "
Yes, that is advocacy. They have an interest in policy reform and are funding a project to place like-minded reporters in rural areas (red states)
Yes, that is advocacy. They have an interest in policy reform and are funding a project to place like-minded reporters in rural areas (red states)
"In fact, if a foundation has knowledge and passion about an issue, we feel it must commit and invest not just financial resources, but its time and expertise to forward its mission and have a positive impact on the most serious problems our society faces"
OMG, not expertise too.
OMG, not expertise too.… oh, the word advocacy appears multiple times on this page, government engagement, etc. Well and good for a foundation, not for an unbiased press.
Don't have time to research all the grants right now Craig, from Craigslist, involved with many advocacy groups.
In 2016, Mr. Newmark gave $10,000 to the school’s election coverage initiative (influencing elections Y'all)
"If you’re lucky enough to do well, then I feel the right thing is to give people a hand, and the best way for me to do that is to help out journalism.”
Using journalism to advocate their worldview, to instruct you in what to demand from corporations and government
Using journalism to advocate their worldview, to instruct you in what to demand from corporations and government
CRISIS IN INFORMATION!!! calling for other millionaires to help fund journalism
"I think right now in this country, we're in a kind of information war and people of good will need to stand up and do something real," Newmark said in an interview with CNNMoney."
"Right now I am looking at two areas to focus on: First on internet technology and Net neutrality, and second on voter protections. I figure out the things that matter to me, and then I find people who are really good at doing that, and I help them out."
"It’s not very methodical, so any professional fundraiser might start cringing. But I have an idea of what matters to me, and what feels right to support. Good journalism, for instance, underpins everything in a democracy."
" I learned that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. In other words, instead of complaining about something, it is better to help fix it. "
Congressional Fellowship member-Jackson in the Senate FRC drafted an amendment aimed at containing weapons systems provided to the Syrian opposition and drafted language barring direct weapons transfers to the Somali government
So one foundation involved in journalisming AND lawmaking at the same time.
Separate The Church from the State
Separate The Church from the State
ok the last three recipients of the Congressional fellowship worked for Senator Chris Coons and helped do research for his policy efforts invests in businesses and advocacy groups
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